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  • labsnmustangs

Thanksgiving scraps quick tips!

Updated: Jan 29

1. Turkey drippings and turkey skin (greasy grill or oven drippings can cause pancreatitis!)
2. Turkey bones (bone ingestion, choking, and internal perforation risk)
3. Sugar-free substitutes: Xylitol, Birch Sugar (very toxic to dogs; liver failure)
4. Garlic and Onion (toxic to dogs, liver damage; avoid mushrooms, too)
5. Butter, and Seasonings (upset tummy, diarrhea; Nutmeg is toxic to dogs)
6. Alcohol (alcohol poisoning, seizures, toxic to dogs)
7. Raisins (toxic to dogs)
8. Dark chocolate (Bakers [cooking] chocolate especially dangerous!)

Keep your dog clear of the kitchen while cooking to avoid consumption of toxic foods, falls, and sharps. Anything deemed "safe" should only be given in moderation (too much quantity and change in diet may result in upset tummy, or worse).

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from Ralston Valley Canine!!

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